Matlab/R Vectorized Way
In [ ]:
using BenchmarkTools
In [ ]:
a, f = rand(10^5), rand(10^5);
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
poly_R(x) = 3x.^2 + 2x - sqrt.(x) - 1
In [ ]:
@btime poly_R(a);
7 * 800_000 bytes = 5_600_000 bytes (approx. 5.34MiB)
The code in function poly_R() does 7 unnecessary allocations!
tmp1 = x.^2
tmp2 = 3*tmp1
tmp3 = 2x
tmp4 = sqrt.(x)
tmp5 = tmp2 + tmp3
tmp6 = tmp5 - tmp4
tmp7 = tmp6 - 1
Next: Let's rewrite poly_R() into poly() and use it as our kernel function.
In [ ]:
poly(x) = 3x^2 + 2x - √x - 1
Julia: Explicit Loop
In [ ]:
function poly_J_loop(v)
u = similar(v)
for i ∈ eachindex(v)
u[i] = poly(v[i])
In [ ]:
@btime poly_J_loop(a);
1 * 800_000 bytes = 800_000 bytes (approx. 781.34KiB)
Only a single allocation for target vector is made.
Julia: Generator & Comprehension
In [ ]:
poly_J(v) = [ poly(x) for x in v ]
In [ ]:
poly_J_alternative(v) = [ 3x^2 + 2x - √x - 1 for x in v ]
In [ ]:
@btime poly_J(a);
1 * 800_000 bytes = 800_000 bytes (approx. 781.34KiB)
Only a single allocation for target vector is made.
Julia: Map()
In [ ]:
poly_J_map(v) = map(poly, v)
In [ ]:
poly_J_map_alternative(v) = map(x -> 3x^2 +2x - √x - 1, v)
In [ ]:
@btime poly_J_map(a);
Julia: Loop fusion
In [ ]:
@btime poly.(a);
Matlab/R Vectorized Way
In [ ]:
polysum_R(v) = sum(poly_R(v))
In [ ]:
@btime polysum_R(a)
Julia way
In [ ]:
@btime sum(poly, a)
Julia way: Explicit mapreduce()
In [ ]:
@btime mapreduce(poly, +, a)
In [ ]:
@btime mean(poly, a)
Matlab/R Vectorized Way
In [ ]:
mse_R(a, f) = mean((a - f).^2)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
@btime mse_R(a, f)
2 * 800_000 bytes = 1_600_000 bytes (approx. 1.53MiB)
tmp1 = a - f
tmp2 = tmp1.^2
Julia way
In [ ]:
mse_J(a, f) = mean( (a[i] - f[i])^2 for i ∈ eachindex(a) )
In [ ]:
@btime mse_J(a, f)
In [ ]:
mse_J_zip_alternative(a, f) = mean( (x - y)^2 for (x, y) ∈ zip(a, f) )
In [ ]:
@btime mse_J_zip_alternative(a, f)
Matlab/R way
In [ ]:
mape_R(a, f) = 100 * mean(abs.((a - f) ./ a))
In [ ]:
@btime mape_R(a, f)
In [ ]:
mape_J(a, f) = 100 * mean( abs((a[i] - f[i]) / a[i]) for i ∈ eachindex(a) if a[i] != 0 )
In [ ]:
@btime mape_J(a, f)
In [ ]:
mape_J_zip_alternative(a, f) = 100 * mean( abs((x - y) / x) for (x, y) ∈ zip(a, f) if x != 0 )
In [ ]:
@btime mape_J_zip_alternative(a, f)
Example 1: Mean correction
In [ ]:
m = [fill(1.0, 10) fill(2.0, 10) fill(3.0, 10)]
In [ ]:
μ = mean(m, 1)
In [ ]:
m .- μ
In [ ]:
broadcast((x, y) -> x - y, m , μ)
Example 2: Z-Score
In [ ]:
m = rand(10^3, 3);
In [ ]:
_zscore(x, μ, σ) = (x - μ) / σ
In [ ]:
function zscore(m)
μ = mean(m)
σ = std(m)
_zscore.(m , μ, σ)
In [ ]:
@time zscore(m);
Implement Rank-1 update and explain the problem with a Matlab/R implementation of such a problem
In [ ]:
A, u, v = ones(10^3, 10^2), fill(2.0, 10^3), fill(3.0, 10^2)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
rank1_naive(A, u, v) = A - u*v'
In [ ]:
@time rank1_naive(A, u, v)
In [ ]:
_rank1(x, y, z) = x - y * z
In [ ]:
rank1_J_1(A, u, v) = _rank1.(A, u, v')
In [ ]:
@time rank1_J_1(A, u, v);
In [ ]:
rank1_J_2(A, u, v) = A .- u.*v'
In [ ]:
@time rank1_J_2(A, u, v);
In [ ]:
rank1_J_3(A, u, v) = broadcast(_rank1, A, u, v')
In [ ]:
@time rank1_J_3(A, u, v)